Sunday, April 29, 2012


This blog has been through a lot in the past year or so.  I originally set it up to showcase my handmade jewelry that I wanted to post on etsy.  That fell through when I started selling Premier Designs.  Then I started it up again to be kind of an outlet for my thoughts.  I think I'm going to keep it as a weight loss blog.

Since March 10th, I've lost 13 lbs.  To me, that's great!  It's a steady loss, and I'm not doing anything drastic.  I've been trying to eat out less, I've kicked my daily Starbucks habit, and I'm drinking more water everyday.  I've also been walking a lot, and I just finished my first week of The Biggest Loser 30-Day Jump Start DVD workout.  I've been feeling a lot better, and I've lost almost 4 inches around my middle!  I'll post progress pictures after week 4 of the workout.  So far, the results are great!

Tomorrow, I have to wake up early to fit in my 20 minute workout.  I have no clue how I'm going to adjust my schedule for the 4th week's 40 minute workouts!  BUT, the mantra for my challenge this month is "NO excuses!"

I think it's getting easier, now that I have a measurable goal.  100 pounds to lose in a year isn't impossible.  I just can't imagine what it would seem like when I actually get there.  I still can't even wrap my head around the idea of being a single-digit clothing size.  I went from wearing a Girls size 12 in 5th grade to a Misses 10 in 6th grade.  I'm off to a great start!

After I lost my first ten, Stephen bought me two small glass bowls, and a bag of glass nuggets to measure my losses.  In one bowl, he has 12 nuggets for the pounds I need to lose, and in the other bowl, he has 13 nuggets for ever pound I've lost!  I'll post pictures of that on the next post.  It's really adorable.  And I'm super fortunate to have someone so supportive of such a huge change.  Hopefully I'll empty my "Pounds to Lose" bowl into my "Pounds DESTROYED" bowl by the end of the 30 day fitness challenge!

I'll keep you posted!  Only 87 more pounds to go!

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